= Pacific Ghosts =
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The Bomber Reef

The Bomber Reef
B-25D 41-30118

About the DVD
The Bomber Reef
Director Walt Deas

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The Bomber Reef

This documentary explores the history of Papua New Guinea, and the wartime history of the USAAF 5th Air Force, 38th Bombardment Group, 405th Bombardment Squadron that flew the B-25 Mitchell at low level as a strafer.

The focal point is the specific history of one crew and aircraft: B-25D "Green Dragon" 41-30118, lost on a strike against Madang, and ditched offshore. The legacy of the crew and their fates at the hands of their Japanese captors is tragic, but a fully researched and documented story, including interview with veteran Garrett Middlebrook, historical photos, footage and research.

This DVD has amazing underwater documentation of the wreck. Director Walt Deas is an expert underwater videographer, and brings the viewer to every part of its natural and historic features.

The Bomber Reef is a tribute to this lost crew: killed in the crash, executed by the Japanese and imprisoned as Prisoners of War (POWs). Also, it is significant in documentation of a remarkably preserved aircraft wreck underwater.

The Swamp Ghost
  Pacific Wrecks